2 авг 2011 (OFF) edgecrusher (B) :

throw me away

flesh wound,flesh wound
with medication it will fade
should i asume
that someone hears me when i pray?
Love,full of hate
don't you love how i pray?

Don't let them throw me away.
Keep me and i'll be o.k.
Skipping a beat but it plays.
Don't let them throw me away...

Screwed up, used up
crumpled, lying on the floor.
Fucked up, shut up
all you did back then was score.
I'm feeling weak
missing parts,incomplete.

Hold me up into the light
fix the cracks and fix them right.
Keep the pieces in the drawer
keep them there forever more.
Make a menu for some day,
recycle this shit in some way.
And all that i have to say
don't let them trow me away.
< Пред.След. >

Комментарии (12)

:превед я добавил твой дневник в закладки если хочешь чтобы так каждый день твои дневники добавляли и читали, то добавь в ленту или предложи дружбу моей подруге HIKNEY и моему другу mc_k7 они всегда читают всю ленту до единой, я вам отвечаю! МЕНЯ ДОБАВЛЯТЬ НЕ НАДО, ТОЛЬКО ИХ...
клёвая песня..
ответил Fleur3
посвящаю её тебе...
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