Комментарии (1)

7. Cause Of Death
With the dying body dead.
With the dying the coming rotting.
With the dying the coming rot.

Rot in hell religious one
Cold fate the chosen son.
Find the darkness kill the day.
You said you'd never cease saying.

We're the cause of death.

Find the one and kill the need.
You're the one to make us bleed.
Find the darkness little one.
I said you'd never cease now

We're the cause of death.

Rot in hell religious one
Cold fate the chosen son.
Find the darkness, kill the day.
You said you'd never cease saying.

With the darkness we arise.
Your hell is denied.
The powers below.
Reality's here.

With the darkness we arise.
Your hell is denied.
The powers below.
Reality's here.
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