Комментарии (2)

False hate is something of not to be proud
To build up your ego, to fit out of reach
With mind-blind individuals who dictate to you
Speak your own thoughts, to thine self be true
True hate is something churning your inside
Runs with emotions you can't deny
Or let through the surface of dwindling thought process
Once struck in your mind, it returns, obsessed

Speak your own mind or don't speak at all
You're setting your persona to take a hard fall
When you, yourself, you vehemently deny
You're asking your future to curl up and die
Dispositional persecution, slaughter of the will
The hole in your heart, false hate will not fill
Rise above the ignorance of the masses you will follow
Against them you'll feel true hate tomorrow

A non-conformist you're not
Real ideas die alone
For you I feel hate
For the lies you've been taught
The embodiment of conformity out to the test
How can you hate what your heart feels best
Pick on a cause to release your wrath
Or whoever disagrees or conflicts with that

Think you're fucking distinct
With your senseles vision
Controlled by a false hate
Terminal condition
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